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Monday, September 29, 2008

始まるよ。。。。Management のこと。。。

Time to start with management. But before that, I thought I wanted to post something, but couldn't think of anything.

Anyway, Do NOT Click the Link Below

Do NOT Click

Have Fun!! I'll update later when I've got the time or finished with my Management.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Part 3, Too Busy... too Hectic...

The busy-ness (had to put a hyphen and separate the word, didn't want you guys to confuse it with the 'buying and selling' kind of business) has gotten into my brain lately. Just like alcohol. It soaks itself into the brain, blunting your chain of thought, your input senses, and your output actions. I'm busy, but at the same time, I'm so free that I'm bored sick. Now what's THAT supposed to mean? I think most of the uni students get the idea of it, there's no other way of explaining it.

I'll get back to this next time. For now.....

// . Part III . //

Continuing the turn of events that happened since the week before last week again. I guess I left off you guys with pics of the lantern guys and girls taken on Sunday.

Next was Monday. Oh, the gloomy mondays. And I didn't even have time to realise how in deep sh** I was for getting myself so busy that I forgot about everything. In the end, I spent 2 hours blurring my self with:

Figure 1. A ......... a ....... what's it called again?

Figure 2. Ahhh.... An Oscillioscope. I actually had to
zoom into the first pic to see the name to remember.

The Bottom one is a wave generator.... or smth like that.

I was literally pushing buttons and turning knobs, which seemed fun, without knowing what was happening. The graph on the oscillioscope just kinda looked interesting and made me feel like I was looking at some sci-fi movie apparatus.

Well, but in actuality, I guess it wasn't anything new.

Next we played with....... ...... err ......... a box.

Figure 3. This time I really forgot what that thingy with dozens of
knobs is called.

Figure 4. I only know that it creates a resistance value according
to the value you set it to...... .... yah, that's about it.

We had to perform weird connections from one apparatus to another..... which I always mixed up which was which...... And That, was Monday.

Tuesday came and went like a gust of wind. Thanks to our IOS (Introduction to O.S.) lecturer, which came late and left early, and also my decision to self study Management 100's lecture notes, instead of going to the lecture and wasting my 1 and a half hours nodding my head in my very own imaginary world.

Wednesday. Oh Wednesday was busy. I had a programming test, which I practically did NOT manage to study, because of an invitation from my 'beloved' friends' to play games at night. And also...... to some extent, it was quite a repeat of what I've already known..... so...... I left the rest to my extensive memory library of this bird-brain.

I finished classes at 12:30. And then..... being a CV member (Curtin Volunteer, in case you forgot), I guess it's all about volunteerism.....

Today (wednesday, I mean), we had schools coming for a tour around campus, about further education and just some information for them to know what they should study in the future. Okay.... and then, I was assigned as one of the 'tourguides'.... you could say..... to bring one of the student groups around, to see the exibition stations and stuff.

"Datuk Pemaisuri..... Man..... what kinda idiot thought of such a name.... for a school. It sounds so....... Gaah! Nevermind". And so, the group of students I lead were from SMK Datuk Pemaisuri.

To My Surprise!..... Out of the 20 students in my group, 18 of them spoke Chinese. Well, I thought it's a good thing then........ since I'll be able to get along better too..... then I didn't have to limit myself to English all the time. Then, we began the tour.

It's too bad I didn't manage to take any pictures because I totally forgot about that, and those funny DP (Datuk Pemaisuri) students kept asking me questions...... But anyway, I realised there was a lot of stuff in Curtin that I hadn't seen.

I had the chance to enter the Journalism Lab..... were inside.... you get to see all those 15k worth HDD Video Cameras, with another 30k one sitting just a feet away beside it. And then there were sound proof rooms with 21 inch (or so I assumed) plasma display monitors, with ANOTHER 17 inch one beside it (2 displays), and to the right of both screens stood a humungous white CPU with a big 'apple' logo on it's side. "So THIS is where they do all the editing......." Well, there were a lot more stuff, my then my post is gonna be damn long if I continued talking about it.

Next, I managed to take a peek at the Civil Engineering lab (again, 1st time was orientation), where they had all the heavy machinery that could chop people up and disorient its figure and reduce it to nothingness, just kidding. I realised some new things around campus...... met some new people..... and came to realise that Wednesday had just passed.

I'm sorry if my post bored you, and if there was a lack of pictures.... cause that week was kinda tiring and I guess I was starting to float off the face of earth. That should be all for my 2 week update. Recent events aren't anything interesting, so...... later.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Part 2, Too Busy... too Hectic...

//............PART II...........//
// Warning: LONG post again.... //

Well, as I promised, here's part two for you guys. Though it was a little later than I planned, but anyway, it's better than no update isn't it?? ^_^

Picking up where I left off, was last last friday (last last.... is there such a word, I doubt that). After a couple of tiring days fussing around with meetings and preparations, and not to mention, classes, came Saturday, where I spent Half of my time awake being in Bintang Plaza, 'surveying' the area and planning the next day's fundraising.

Sunday, sorry, but I didn't manage to take any picture on the Fundraising, but I don't suppose any of you are interested in seeing pics of it anyway, are you?.... If you are, neee.... nothing much happened, we were just having a fundraising in Miri's Bintang Plaza for the Palliative Care Association, which is an association which....... .................... ............... .......... treats??...... patients in serious and critical?... diseases......??? omg.... I wonder how I actually collected donations without knowing who we're collecting for.... I hope it's correct.

Anyway, there were booths for games, and I was one of the so-called booths. And we had someone from our uni from another club, who was a TAROT reader..... "to read your past, present and future, with just a pick of a couple of cards, he could reveal everything that lies before, after, and upon your days to come. " "Come, come, come!! RM2 per question, RM5 for THREE questions!!" "You get to ask about ANYthing, yes anything, your social life, your future, your education, your parents, your loved one, your love life, even how you're gonna be going on with your partner now!"

Okay.... got a bit carried away probably. Anyway, I usually don't believe this kind of stuff, but somehow, all my other friends said he's accurate, and sooooooooOOOoo accurate, that I COULDn't NOT give it a try. And so.....

No, I'm not gonna tell you the details.

But anyway, I guess it really IS a wonder how Tarot works. He shuffles the cards, you pick a couple of cards, depending on what kind of question you ask. The cards are turned over, and from there, he sees what kind of person are you, or whatever answer to the question you asked. I'll have to say, it's not On-the-Dot, but nevertheless, it's good enough for ME (someone I'd say is rather hard to convince), to wonder what lies behind the secret of Tarot.

Ee.... 2 paragraph's on tarot alone.... I guess I'd better get along with the other stuff.... so....

Ah!!, haha, I manage to steal one pic from facebook on the Bintang Fundraising.

Figure 1. Bintang Fundraising Stage Backdrop

O-k-a-y..... I guess..... that should be enough about the Fundraising, since nothing REALLY.... interesting happened, there were dance performances and a magic show, other than that..... yah, I guess that's about it.

And That was Sunday......... There went my weekend Saturday and Sunday.... and also my Friday which I'm proud of because I didn't have any classes on Friday.

Mondays...... the Gloomy Mondays..... oh? or wasn't it supposed to be Sunday...... Maah, whatever. Gloomy Monday came, I totally forgot to prepare for my Labs and Management tutorials (which were always a hassle) beforehand because I was kinda tired after the fundraising.

OH SHYT!! I almost forgot! Sunday Night!! AFTER the fundraising........ came this:

Figure 2. Our Steamboat.....

STEAMBOAT...... After a long day of work......... I came home......... and I still had to wait for the food to boil in the pot, haha. Sorry, not that I'm complaining....... but I was a bit hungry at that time. But man....... what a dinner.

Figure 2. Food, and Ung Chai with itchy tongue....
or probably he ate something spicy.

The food was...... really.... "Feng Fu".... omg, what happened to my english, how do you say "feng fu" in English again. Anyhow, we really enjoyed the dinner, eating with friends, it kinda gives you a different feeling, haha.

Next came, well, it was mooncake festival, so you know what happens I guess.

Figure 3. Lantern Guys.....

Figure 4. Lantern Girls...

Ugh.... Lantern guys and girls....... what the hell kind of name is that. I think I read those somewhere on someone else's blog and the name stuck.

Well, yea.... that's about what we did the whole night. Eat, and then lanterns. The funny thing was, it wasn't only us going around the whole Desa Senadin and DPS area (the area around our housing area, that's what we call it). It's a funny and rare sight to see, when you walk around with lanterns and then you see some bobbing coloured lights far off the street, only to come close to each other and find out they're just some other kids, from curtin, and from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, like us, haha.

I guess only KK people would do such funny things in other places.

Oh man.... I wanted to finish everything in this post. But looks like I'm running short of time and will have to delay things to a part 3. Didn't wanna give you guys a toooo long post, haha.


皆さん ほんとにありがとう。 今度は楽しかったな。。。
この思い出が忘れないよ。 嬉しかったね。

That's all I guess, for now.

Till my next update. Later.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Too busy.... too Hectic.....

//**** Contents of recent activities are too much, *****//
// therefore, this update shall be divided into 3 parts //

-- Warning: --
-- Quite Long Post Ahead --
-- 2nd Warning: --
-- Following post may contain Intense Graphic Content --

Part One

By forgetting to do my Weekly Electronics 104 Exercise.... and flunking this morning's Electronics lecture, and this afternoon's Electronics tutorial...... I guess I can say I managed to stabilize my time and get everything back on course.....

Anyway, sorry if any of you have been waiting for recent updates and stuff..... because my schedule for these past 2 weeks has been kinda...... hectic. I'll just give a short intro on what happened lately, so that you guys have something to read on.

Now.... where should I start..... okay....

I guess everything started to go chaos around 2 weeks back. Ever since.....

Figure 1.
The Blood Donation Drive (The AFTER pic)

Well.... It was a wednesday, and the FIRST thing in the morning after breakfast, was my blood donation. What the heck. I still had a whole day waiting for me up ahead and I had to give away my blood before I even did anything.

Figure 2. Erm.... I guess you can see for yourself.

Figure 3. The BEFORE pic

Figure 4. My arm.... No, it doesn't hurt..... if you asked....

Now.... what makes things worse, following a morning and afternoon lack of blood packed with classes, I had a meeting at night for an upcoming event: the CV! Bintang Plaza Fundraising!! How did I get involved in this? Basically I wasn't expecting to be volunteering in it. But wth, one day, a friend of mine asked me whether I was free on that day to help out since they still needed a few people.

And so......... that night, I ended up here:

Figure 5. The Council Room

This was the first time I entered the so-called 'Council Room'. I always wondered what was up at the end of our 2nd floor library hallway. And here's the answer. The 'Council Room'.

Figure 6. 3 views of the room.

The first thing in my mind when I entered was..... "Wow...." Yea, I know, I guess it doesn't look so grand, and big from a handphone camera's point of view, well, in reality it really isn't also, but I REALLY didn't expect curtin to have such a room, (from the outside looks of it), haha. "Cool...." I thought.

So.... I sat in there for a 2 hour meeting, on the Fundraising, which will be held at bintang plaza on Sunday, where I was basically freezing in the comfy chairs because the place was above-your-head air conditioned..... I didn't bring my jacket coz I wasn't expecting it, and the air-con was mercilessly blowing the lasts of their breath onto my hair (with addition to my lack of blood to keep me warm..... well, maybe.... just a thought).

And well..... that was Wednesday for me..... OH!!, Not Yet! I still had to rush home to complete my Electronics Weekly Exercise, which was due every thursday. That night.... I had to sleep at 2 because of the stupid electronics. Already with a tired body.... I didn't have enough sleep.

Thursday was as usual, I took some time off it to cope with some stuff. And then came Friday.

Friday was a headache. I went downtown taking the bus.

Primary objective for the day : Get Celcom Broadband.
Secondary Objective : Buy food stocks.

Celcom alone was enough to blow my brains. There were quite some problems, which I won't mention here, that came up, and had me running up and down and calling the boss a couple of times. Then luckily enough, I bumped into a couple of friends hunting for stuff in preparation for the Bintang Fundraising, and walked around with them for a bit.

I had McDonald's for Lunch, something I haven't had in a LONG LONG time...... And for dinner, me and some other friends dropped by those 'buka puasa' stalls, I don't know what you actually call them.

"Nasi Briani!! Nasi Briani!!! (forgive the spelling if it's wrong)", it looked nice, so I walked over for a look. "Berapa?", "Ayam tujuh, Daging lapan, Kambing sepuluh." O_O................... What a price.... for the poor people who haven't eaten the whole day, they have to pay RM10 for a kambing briani...... But then again..... I was hungry, so "errr...... Bagi satu ayam lah!"

Night came, ANOTHER MEETING!!!..... This night, we had to test-run our game called "Be a Magician!". Ehehe...... well, actually in my opinion, this has nothing to do with being a magician at all. You can try this at home, just do this:

"Find a tablecloth, place it on a clear clean table, and take some stuff like your handphone, wallet, laptop, or whatever you like, place it on the tablecloth. When you're ready, PULL!!!! the tablecloth and make sure your stuff don't fly all over the room. Have Fun!!"

I'm sorry if my post is boring you. But it is was reality..... I litterally fell asleep instantly after getting home. Being out the WHOLE day till night..... it was till 12am night btw...., can really tire you.

Back to today, Thursday, I have a test coming up tomorrow. So probably will update AFTER it. Till then, here's Part 1 of my update.

Jaane. じゃあね (Means See ya later)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random Facts about Myself.....?

Took this survey down from May's Blog and decided to put it up here just to give you guys something to read, for the meantime.... and at the same time, sometimes it's good to ask your own self some questions..... that's what I think.

1.What time did you get up this morning?
- Woke at 7:30 am hearing alarm.... but got out of bed at 8.

2.Diamonds or Pearls?
- Not interested.

3.What is the last film you saw at the cinema?
- Hmm.... "Get Smart"?? I think so, around July that was.

4. What is your favorite TV Show?
- Well, I don't have a TV right here where I'm living now, and my TV back at home is deaf and dumb, I have to read subs or lip-read each time I watch, no ASTRO, so....... I guess, nope.... no TV Shows for me.....

But if you insist on one, I guess the best TV series I've seen so far, IMO, is Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (花ざかりの君たちへ), a Japanese 12 Episode series..... My personal favourite, even though the series is finished.

5.What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Full-moon Toast, or so it's called...... 2 fried Bull's-eyed on top of a 1 inch bread loaf, with Pepper and Soy Sauce.

6.What is your middle name?
- Middle name?? What's THAT for?

7.What food do you dislike?
- None, probably....

8.What is your favorite CD?
- My CD's are self burned..... which do you want, all of them are my favourites...

9.What kind of car do you drive?
- two Biological limbs that I got from my mom's tummy 19 years ago. I don't drive...... yet.

10.Favorite sandwich?
- Chicken Mayonese.....? I guess........ Oh, and with Cheese.

- Not sure...... annoying people, people who talk like they've known you for years while they've only known you for a few hours. And probably people who smell bad..... The rest....... I'll decide when I see someone, whether I'll get along or not.

- Item huh?..... Jackets I presume.... blazers maybe..... IF I had the money.

13.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
- Anywhere, everywhere.

- Sheeez, I actually had to open my bathroom door to take a look to answer this. In Miri, cream coloured tiles..... in KK, YELLOW....... and white.

- No preference, if they're good to wear, they're good to go.

- As long as it's a place where I can live peacefully with the ones I care for, it's good enough.

- Most memorable..... is kinda hard. I guess I remember all of the recent ones..... from 16 up till to this year. I don't know, haha.

- Sport eh..... none, I think...... but I watched Badminton during Olympics, if that gives you any idea.....

- Irrelevant

20.Who do you least expect to send this back?
- Irrelevant

21.Person you expect to send it back first
- Irrelevant

22.Favorite saying
- "A Dream that can come true is not a real Dream", source unknown, just remember reading/seeing it somewhere before, and it stuck.

23. When is your birthday
- 28th March 1989.

- Night. I mean..... I can't sleep at night..... if that makes you any happier.......

- 9

- Tortoise ~ 10 cm under, I was lazy to dig deeper than that.
Fish ~ Died due to lack of oxygen.
Tortoises (3) ~ One 10 cm under, other 2 swimming somewhere in Tun Fuad Park, I guess....

27.Any new and exciting news you want to share?
- I gained 2 kgs!!?? Ah nevermind....... I forgot breakfast yesterday and lost 3 kgs.....

- Duh, check my birthday, calculate on your own.

- Uh uh.... no candy, thanks. I don't take candy.

- No Favourite, as long as it's good for the eyes...

32.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
- 21sth Nov?? Yea.... I guess so.

- Cuthbert Chong Li Loong..............?

- The whirring sound of my fan, a cricket outside my window, MSN logging in sounds, and the sound of my fingers typing on my keyboard.

- Tiger Biscuit.


- Right now?? Uhh.... you mean...... what weather..... it's night time, I can't see a thing.

- Soft Drink?? Neeh...... I don't really drink soft drinks.... but coke would be fine.

- *silent Aaahh*....... Food...... there's so many places with good food that I never know where is the best sometimes.

- Me

- Err......... I dun nooo....... New Year's Day??

- Toy?.... I don't remember toys when I was a kid..... I guess the first toy I had was the glass pyrex dish my mom bought, and I broke it.

- Whatever.

- I don't know..... I'll have to give both a try first, ^^

- Both are good.

- Erm........ chocolate probably......... but vanilla's not bad too.

- Irrelevant

- Time..... I forgot.... but I guess it's while watching a movie or anime....

- My luggage, and dust.....

- Lionel..... 15, or 16 years....

- Last night...... I watched Gundam, surfed the net.... for no reason whatsoever, fell asleep on my bed at 8:30, woke up at 10, then surfed the net again, chat with a couple of friends, and went to sleep early, at 12:30.

- WTH...... I don't know....... haha.

- Heeeeeeeeeeeehh.............. I don't know. Never actually thought of what I'm afraid of. But basically, I don't really know what I'm afraid of until I'm facing it. I guess it's O-k-a-y to say that I'm not really afraid or any "material" or "immaterial" things, like ghosts, insects or mice. The things I really am afraid of are things like "Will I be able to pass this exam?", "Sh**, now what should I do??"........ kinda things....... long answer.. sry.... can't help it.

- A mixture of both.

- 3. Gate, Door, Room.

- Job? Current? None..... But I was at my 1st Job for 10 days, haha.

- Here in Miri, now during the schooling season? I guess it should be Saturday.

- Lived? Whaddya mean by Lived? How long is does lived in requires to be....... Two, I guess....., oh, maybe 3..... I lived in some place far far away when I was a kid, though I don't remember anything about it.

- Depends.....

That's all for the questionaire...... Just some stuff about myself. I'll get back to some "REAL" updates soon, but later.

Buddy Blogs

101 Things to Do Before I Die

02. Make video logs.
03. Skydive. On my Own.
04. Throw a dart onto a world map, and travel to wherever it lands (if possible)
05. Learn a new skill from a friend.
06. Own a 4 acre piece of land.
07. Experience Jetlag.
08. Camp on my own land.
09. Learn not to say yes when you really mean no.
10. Write a novel about myself... or an autobiography.
11. Do something completely crazy and out of character.
12. Sit on the scariest roller coaster ride in the world.
13. Find a job I love.
14. Photograph an eclipse, both solar and lunar.
15. Learn to ride a horse.
16. Own a horse.
17. Go skinny dipping.
18. Throw a mega party!
19. Bury a treasure/time capsule.
20. Visit Antartica, or better yet, get a Job on Antartica, if possible.
21. Build something that will outlast myself.
22. Drive on the Autobahn.
23. Keep a daily diary for one whole year (in detail)
24. Dance in the pouring Rain.
25. Have my own photo studio.
26. Keep a pet (most likely a dog) watch it grow up, grow old, and pass on.
27. Make someone weak in the knees just by looking~
28. Climb one of the world's Seven Summits.
29. Bungee Jump.
30. Fall deeply in love - helplessly and unconditionally.
31. Own a BMW.
32. Win a lottery.
33. Walk the Great Wall of China.
34. Design my own house.
35. Learn Diving.
36. Hike up a Glacier.
37. See the Northen Lights.
36. Fold 1,000 origami paper cranes and give them to someone special.
37. Witness the Sunrise with a loved one.
38. Act and dress up like a tourist, and visit all the places in Sabah like I've never been there before.
39. Draw my own self-portrait.
40. Get a complete makeover, and probably might as well add a photoshoot.
41. Sleep under a starry sky.
42. Live through the 4 seasons of the year, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
43. Learn Stunt/Professional Driving.
44. Watch a Meteor shower.
45. Walk into a restaurant and order the whole menu
46. Say "I quit." To a job I hate.
47. Seduce a straight guy.
48. Photograph the Milky Way.
49. Be at Sea for a Week.
50. Master Poker and Win BIG in a Casino.
51. Tell someone "I Love You", and mean it.
52. Test Drive a FERRARI!.
53. Ride a Hot Air Balloon.
54. Dive and see the Great Barrier Reef.
55. Make someone burst in tears of happiness.
56. Go nude for a week.
57. Learn to say "I'm sorry, it's my fault." Even when you're right.
58. Publish an article.
59. Learn to make a Fine Dish. Perfect it. Master it.
60. Learn Skiing, and go Heli-Skiing after that.
61. Visit one of the 7 Wonders of the World.
62. Perform a striptease.
63. Take a midnight stroll along a beach.
64. Sit on the World's Fastest Rollercoaster!!
65. Find my fetish.
66. Get myself so drunk I don't remember anything.
67. Have plastic surgery.
68. Drive a car faster than 160km/h
69. Be in a warzone.
70. Give someone a fake name, just for kicks =)
71. Shoot a scoped rifle at a target 200 meters away. And HIT.
72. Learn a Self-Defense art. Thoroughly.
73. Take part in a motorsport.
74. Have a collection of soft toys.
75. Spend summer solstice above the Arctic Circle, and experience 24 hours of daylight.
76. Touch a Tiger.
77. Write a letter to my closest friends to tell them how much they mean to me.
78. Make a short film.
79. Listen to a Live Orchestra in a world-class theatre.
80. Go BASE jumping.
81. Make a pop up/out card and give it to somebody special.
82. Get a piercing.
83. Get a Tattoo.
84. Perfect my Japanese. And go to Japan to use it.
85. Build a 1km in diameter man-made island.
86. Spend 1 year getting my body in optimum shape, and keep it that way.
87. Look close into the eyes of someone I've just met, see myself, and smile.
88. Make love on the beach.
89. One day donate 10% of my wealth to charity.
90. Take an amazing portrait for someone.
91. Build myself a beach house.
92. Have something named after myself.
93. Watch the Launch of a Space Shuttle.
94. Visit a live volcano.
95. Join a Caravan in the Sahara Desert.
96. Go Rock-climbing.
97. Build a Giant Sandcastle.
98. Save a Life.
99. Disappear from Society for 6 months in attempt to complete as many goals on this list as possible.
100. Change the World.
101. Be happy with who I am.

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