Speak of Common Sense.
After nearly a month of sleeping at 3am, and waking up at 1pm. Today I had to wake up at 8:30 in the morning JUST for a dental appointment that's at 11.... Man... did I struggle hard to get up this morning. And then I drove.... and drove.... and looked for a parking... and looked for a parking.... and pop~ I was at the Luyang Clinic by 10:40. I handed in my appointment card, and then waited for my number to be called.
About 30 minutes passed. I was sitting down patiently and read the clinic's version of their "Ten Commandments" stuck on the wall..... 1. We will serve our patients with kind, grateful and good manners..... 2. We shall have your registration done within 15 30 minutes time..... ... ... ... ... ... etc etc... and then I came to one which stated "You shall be called for your treatment in no more than 30 60 minutes."... ... I guess all the strikeouts are because of them suddenly realising they worked too slow and needed more "budget" time-wise.
I sat, and sat... and sat... .... day dreaming my boredom away.... I was dreaming I had some super powers which was the ability to distort time... which made me seem to have god-like speed and always appeared to have time to do everything... I could dodge bullets by slowing down time whenever I wanted... ... or speed it up if I felt I had too much of it...
... ... not knowing how long I sat there... or was it I fast forwarded time with my ability?? *Ting....*cyborg woman's voice goes * .... 3.... 1..... 3..... 7.... bilik... 43*... About bloody time now isn't it? I looked at my watch. 12:36; I looked back up at the clinic's "Ten Commandments". "Screw it", I thought.
Well.... and what do you know?? I was in the treating room for like 5 minutes, and they're like "Okay, our next appointment should be.... .... about 6 months from now." ~!? Was that compensation for my lost time or what? Oh for God's sake, I waited one and a half hours just for 5 minutes of seeing some random doctor's eyes only??? Seriously, I didn't even see her face with her wearing her mask since I entered till I left.
No kidding. These people should really use some common sense in queuing people. I waited for nearly 2 hours, for a 5 minute session? Who's gonna gimme back my 2 hours? Besides, unless they count their numbers the opposite way, I reckon that 3143 comes AFTER 3137... whom I saw some other girl who waited much less than me walk into the very same room 43 after that number was called.
So much for being patient.... AND common sense. Some people just have too much of them.... or nearly none.
Anyway, that topic aside... here's a pic I took for today.