Photography: DSLRs, a quick reflection, and a quick introduction
I first had interest in Photography since I was around 18. Before that, I didn't quite find it interesting, maybe I was young, maybe I was immature, but I had more interest in Video-graphy and films.
Even now, I still strongly wish I could dive into the Film & TV production line, yet, I'm still stuck where I am for the meantime.
Anyway, I had my first camera at the end of year 2008. Since then, my passion for photography has grown, deeper and stronger. And today, I find myself checking and learning about photo-related stuff at least once a day.
But that's not my topic for this post. In this post, I'm gonna nag about how photography became from a nearly insignificant or severely unappreciated skill, into something so cool today that you even see 13 year old Danny boy holding a DSLR walking the market.
DSLR's have became a 1 in a 500 sight, to 1 in 20. Meaning that for every 20 people, at least 1 person has a DSLR today. The reason for this?? I'll go straight to the point, DSLRs used to cost a FORTUNE to buy during our grandad's days, and they only came in film formats, would you buy a 10k black colored box, which you couldn't see the result of what you're shooting until it came out of the very dark-room and you said "Aiyak! I missed the head!".
The cheapest DSLRs today costs only around 2k to own. Ranging from the Nikon D60, Canon's Rebel Series, and all the way to the less known but 'satisfaction guaranteed' brands such as Olympus. A very good point and shoot (P&S) digicam would cost 1.5k, and a bombshell DSLR at 2k, but the quality?? **whistles** Not up to debate ^.^
However, this drop in pricing lead to a quite an overpopulation (if you ask me) in DSLRs for the typical consumers. It seems that nowadays, nearly every John Doe you meet has a DSLR at home which he/she would gladly showoff to everyone so that they think he/she's a professional photographer. And the problem, is... that they just don't bloody know how to actually USE a DSLR. 90% of them just spin the mode dial into Auto, and shoot away with full-auto!!
Just let me say.... that a DSLR wasn't built for such use. They are SPECIFIC. People (real Photographers) buy DSLRs for a purpose, and that is to have full control of the camera's functions. Photography is a constituent of many many elements put together to make that photo WORTH the price.
Technical stuff like Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO Sensitivity is one..... but then, there are Technique-cal stuff again, like angles, lighting, focal length...... not to mention the most important things about photography, which are NOT any of those just mentioned, but instead is 'the Right moment, and the Right time'. Only with all these put together, the product.... is an art, and it's called photography.
So for those of you who were planning on buying a DSLR just to go auto and let the camera do everything? I'd recommend you just get the 1.5k(or less) one which would do just exactly fine. Unless you're into Serious photography, getting a DSLR will be just for show...
I'm no pro in photography or something, but at least I'm trying, and am still learning. If you're interested and need any help, I'd gladly help too.
**Btw, to those interested in DSLRs, D = Digital, SLR = Single Lens Reflect, which actually got it's name from the use of a Single Lens body only each time we're shooting. The MAIN purpose of a DSLR, is for it's interchangable wide range of lenses. So IF you're planning on getting an SLR, and NOT planning on upgrading your Lenses..... you're basically buying a One Kilogram paperweight.
That's all.
~Sorry if the content seemed a bit offensive. I just thought I'd update my blog and I came up with this. Anyway, it might serve as a wake up call to any of you who's still shooting Auto with your SLR/DSLR. It's 3am btw, so pardon if it sounds a bit harsh.... I'm sleepy and my mood isn't so good ^^
Not at all offensive, my thought exactly... My advice would be to go for one of those point and shoot cams.. then when u realize urself starting to take pictures at obscure angles or focusing the crap out of ur cam to snap a photo of ants mating, then it's time for a DSLR =)
Wow! Du~ Yeah! Haha... nice to hear from you, haha.
Well, I'm just afraid some people can't take the facts and say I'm an asshole or smth. But yeah, exactly like you said, I found out I couldn't do enough with digicams about the same way too, haha.
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