Spread your Wings
Somehow and Someway, the poor kit-zai (that's lime in 'hakka') plant that's suffering from 'infertility' outside my balcony haven't been bearing any fruits since we planted it. But for some peculiar reason, there's always been some butterfly mom who thinks of it as the best place to leave her kids and let them grow.
For the second time, I've once again watched a larvae grow from Tiny, to Fat, into a Cocoon and lastly into it's final form of a Butterfly.
Mr. Fat Caterpie getting ready for his Chinese New Year Celebration
I assume that butterflies aren't very fond of watching fireworks. Because the night of Chinese New Year itself.... it decided to spin itself into....
Mr. Fat Caterpie decides to spend Chinese New Year in a sleeping bag so that he won't have to give out Ang-pau
A Pupa.......
So something like 2 weeks after that Fatty declared himself M.I.A, while everybody was busy celebrating Chap Goh Mei, he finally decides it's time to change into some new clothes and present himself at the oddest time possible.
6:30am in the morning!
Say Hello to Butterflee~
Butterflies are cool. But what's cooler is their attitude.
They're never in a rush. They're never early. Yet they're never late either.
I waited since 5:30 that morning expecting it to crawl out anytime soon. But being too sleepy, I assumed that Butterflee needed 1 more day of beauty sleep before he would be ready for the grand show. So I went back to sleep in a *poof*, and 2 hours later, awoke at the calling of my mom saying "Hey~ Your friend is out!"
So I sat there, taking pictures as I watched it dry its wings. I was waiting for it to spread its wings.... to show its beautiful cape of colors on the other side. I didn't know how long it would take.... so I sat there.... waiting ~.~"
Butterflee ain't don't care about you you know. He takes his own time.... drying its wings, basking in the morning sunlight, flicking its proboscis once in a while. 1 hour went past.... It was in that same mortified position. It just has all its sweet time in the whole wide world.
Until nearly 2 hours later.... I played cheat =)
I found out that.... if you wave your hand above the butterfly to frighten it, it will automatically open its wings to its largest pose to scare any threat away ^_^
So, instead of waiting for hours next time.... imma use this trick, hehe.
It's sad though, that butterflies don't live long. I don't know how long this would live, but either way, it's a cycle of life.
The last time I time I remember a butterfly with its wings spread out so wide.... .... .... was in the Museum
Maybe we should learn to live like a butterfly. Timeless, and Carefree.
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