1 week into 2009
Sorry that I haven't been updating quickly recently, this was due to my packed schedule and the so many outings 'waiting' for me. So I haven't been home much, and I kinda wonder where IS home actually, lately. Since I've just moved house.... but Might move again.... home has been a difficult word for me, haha.
I can't seem to upload pics right now because the connection here is even worse than before. So I might just have to wait till I move (again), or when I get back to Miri, where I remember it was fast enough for me last year.
Anyway, onto what I've been up to the last whole week.
1st Jan - REN 05, 06, 07 Reunion dinner!!
Special Thanks to Tze Yan, Iona and her mom for helping with the preparation and selection of food for that night. Though we didn't get to do much, but the 'photo-taking' was already great enough, hahaha.
2nd Jan - House moving, with mom. (might create a separate topic about my house moving after everything is finished.... and when my pics are all uploaded)
3rd Jan - House moving, with help of Jordan and Welton, thanks sooooOOo very very much. I owe you guys.
4th Jan - House moving, I spent my last day in my old apartment which I lived in the past 13 years.... I somehow feel it's getting harder and harder to part with things I've taken for granted all this while.....

The last view I had in my old apartment before I left.
Lying on the floor with a pillow and laptop in front of me,
I looked out the front glass paneled doors...
and at the room I spent 13 years in.
5th Jan - New House Hunting. Due to some factors.... we decided that we'd better stay elsewhere.... and so we had to hunt for another house.
6th Jan - Kaman's Birthday, Drinking Partay!! Once again, I spent a tipsy night walking around feeling like Jack Sparrow. Now I know why people like to get drunk..... I think I might be addicted too.
7th Jan - Sequal of Drinking Party, haha. Spent the day lazing around and taking swims at the sea..... something you'll never get to do in the city.
-Pictures unavailable for all that happened at the moment..... As I said before, my internet connection is too sucky to allow me uploads.
p/s: I updated the previous post with some pictures for those of you who were interested lol. No 31st Dec yet though.....
Next up, hopefully.... we'll be going to the islands next week. In the mean time, I might be busy re-packing stuff to move again.....
Till then.
hey......a new year with new things huh?anyway.....u're moving hse again 2molo?i rili wan 2 help loh..bt.....anyway..hope u enjoy moving hse~
erm....if u got take my photos, remember tag me at facebook....ok? thx...erm i think this week cant go to pulau as these days always raining and raining...>.<
where are you moving again this time?
Wahahahaha..... In fact I moved le....
Now I'm staying in Sri Kepayan Apartments... the newly built ones. So far only 1 or 2 ppl moved in, maybe we're the 2nd or 3rd... or 1st also probably... Siaunee if wanna help, can help unpack lar, hahaha.
I think I won't be able to upload any pics yet for now, coz my wireless broadband is fast enough for downloads, but unstable for uploads. I'll keep them all till I get back to miri, then you guys will have loads of updates and pictures to read and see.
hey..jordan so black la......so funny..i mean.....he even look darker than u..lolz....
Lol.... dunno him, I think he went pulau few days back and 'long' liao...
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