2008: Where change begins
Last night while counting down, I had been hearing lots of people shouting "Goodbye 2008, Welcome 2009!" I personally don't know whether to agree or not with that statement. But nonetheless, I just have to say it doesn't feel right.
Anyway, thinking back to 2008, it was definitely a step out of our lives since the past 18 years before 2007.
I got Drunk for the very first time in Life~~ together with a bunch of idiotic friends..... we had a drunk kick start to 2008.
Thinking that I'm no longer in Secondary school, life would be so much easier, I desperately but unwillingly hunted around for a University to continue my education. (I personally wanted to kill a bit more time wondering about life, but my parents said it's better if I finish education quickly.) Most of my friends knew what they wanted to study, wanted to be, later in the future. But me, being 'jack of all trades, master of none', was unable to choose what I wanted to do.
This was the first time for me being away from home (for studies), well, I guess it IS, for most of us, but then again, it's still a first time experience.
I learned how troublesome uni actually was. In our Secondary school years, the teacher goes to the students, now WE students have to find our lecturers, Huh! Besides that, there was the "NO SPOONFEEDING" thing..... which made everything oh-so-complicated. I soon started missing being a high school student.
This is the first time someone other than my own mom ate my cookings. I wasn't sure whether other people would like my 'tastes' at first..... but oh well.... it turned out fine it seemed *wink*. Next up, I got to experience what "A Swarm of Mosquitoes" meant!!
I found out that Tongue Depressors were often mistaken for "Popsicle sticks", and that they are NOT suitable for making models ^^ I learned NOT to pay RM10 for a Fully clothed sauna session + mute movie at Miri City's Cinema.
Exams were irritating. They make you burn your favourite food supplies that you kept to munch on during your Favourite movie/anime/drama!..... they deprive you of sleep! They stress you out and make you feel like throwing your laptop all over your room! I learned never to study last minute in Uni again. Okay... I take that back, maybe I didn't learn, you'll know why soon.
Pulau manukan was Fun!!
Especially with friends that have different talents such as floating, sinking, scaring fish away, etc etc. Now what else did I do in July....... Before I knew it.... it was time to go back to boring Miri.
I took my first Commerce subject in Life: Management 100. And it proved to me that I didn't have enough patience to learn commerce subs (Though I have patience to wait all night just to watch sunrise). I also witnessed a 'false alarm' scene while shopping for stuff.... And it was the first sat down at a coffee shop to watch their TV.... lame eh.... eh Desa Senadin, Miri, to watch the Magnificent "Beijing Olympics".
September was a busy month.... I had a Blood donation in Curtin, 3rd packet of blood I've given out... I joined a Bintang Plaza Fundraising Event to "Feed the Poor"!! Nah... not feed the poor...... for some Palliative care clinic.... which..... I am not interested in explaining what at the moment. Then there was "中秋节". Mooncake festival, for those of you who don't read chinese.... so I got to experience the stupidity of walking around the area with a tiny lantern in hand. Nostalgic though....
Longhouses..... well, the first time going to a longhouse, I expected them to be LOoooOOng..... turns out they weren't so LONG after all, haha. But I'd definitely remember a road trip SIX (6) hours long..... That was a first.... might be the last too.....
Once again.... exams crept up upon me this month.... and I never learned my lessons since the last one.
Ahh.... December..... the month full of activities and memories....
This december, I wore my school uniform for the first time after I've graduated for a year!
We MISSED the countdown for Christmas, special thanks to Mr. Amos Lau, hahaha... Nah, just kidding. Thx for calling us out.
Then I got my camera.... Thanks Mom, Thanks Santa.
As a 'closing' for 2008, I got pretty tipsy on drinking once again on 30th Dec.
Think they look fine in these 2 pics?...... They Might seem pretty normal in these 2.... but guess again....
And lastly..... 31st Dec......
*Also Unavailable.... for the meanwhile.....
That pretty much sums up 2008..... a year of new experiences.....
My Happiest moment in 2008-
There are so many things that made me happy throughout the year. But the one that I remember the most now is when my mom agreed to get my camera.... Now THAT, really touched my heart.
My most regretful act in 2008-
Hmm.... taking Management 100??? It was a plenty waste of time and effort!! I didn't even need it in the first place.
The most important lesson you learnt in 2008-
Time flies...... it's just a matter of time before everything we're doing now turns into precious memories......
My New Year's Resolution:
1. Make as many precious memories as possible
2. Look at the world in a different view
3. Be a different person
4. To come out, step up, and enjoy this world
Think my resolutions are weird?? Haha.... they were the most logic ones I could think of.... the rest were too 'materialistic', which I didn't like.
So, Happy New Year guys.... Thank you everyone and everything, for 2008, and the past.
wow.. this is so complete.. i didnt think of most of the things.. its.. great i shall say.. =)
Haha... not complete lar..... it's short of a lot of things... but if I added in everything, it'll turn into a novel, haha.
Just wrote it all down as memories that I'll think back to each year to come.
u shud come out wif a book~ i guess..erm.my suggestion////wat do u think?
A book???? A book about what lol? Well... I could if I want to, but I guess I dunno what to write.
hey bert.....i wan the photos v took during christmas eve.....y so blur de?
Oops... y my last post the name is my mom de name de =.=..... Forgot sign out her google account I think...
Anyway, the christmas eve photos I dun have lar..... not from my cam, I haven't had camera that time, remember?
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