A Week in Bird's Life
Having been tired of seeing tags and tags again and again.... I kinda decided instead..... to make one of my own, to help ME get to know my own self better.... and to let you guys know more about myself too. I'm not sure whether anyone else came across such a tag before, but lets just say I thought this up on my own.
So here goes: A Week in Bird's Life.
Write down amount of time you spend doing what, for a normal week in your life.
In a week (168 hours), I spend:
- about 63 hours sleeping (naps included)
- approximately 20 hours on Maple, doing nonsensical stuff...
- another 20 hours in front of the computer, surfing the web, chatting, watching movies, learning new stuff, or just killing time... (out of this time, I think about 1 hour on facebook, ^.^, I'm pretty proud of that I guess)
- 15 hours or less in classes, lectures, labs...
- average 14 hours of day dreaming, thinking about life and everything else to it.
- about 7 hours purely listening to music. I'm a person whom.... when I listen to music, I do ONLY that.... I don't play games and listen, do work as I listen, I don't like interruptions in my music, and I enjoy just listening to it alone = )
- overall 7 hours spent on food and eating.
- 30 ~ 45 mins on vehicles a DAY, that makes 4 hours spent on transport.
- maybe 4 hours in the toilet, everything included.
- 3 hours walking and loafing around campus.
- 1 1/2 hours walking to and from the bus stop.
- 1 1/2 hours wasted lying semi-conscious on bed after the alarm rings in the morning.
- 1 hour wondering what to study.... and ending up not studying....
- 1 hour for "Transition period", which is when I think of what to do next, where to go, what to eat, and the normal everyday questions.
- 1 hour dressing up/changing/getting ready, to go out, to sleep, or anywhere.
- and then there's the 30 minutes I spend hunting/killing ants.
- 30 minutes doing laundry?
- another 30 minutes doing household stuff...
- 30 minutes spent with my camera.
- 20 minutes climbing up and down the staircase to my home, going to the kitchen, getting water... etc...
- 15 minutes typing text messages (sms)
- 10 minutes wasted locking and unlocking the door a week.
- around 7 minutes a week collecting my thoughts in between actions.
- and..... 5 minutes counting my money.
So long.
I wish to tag.... everyone actually.... but since I can't, I'll make it: everybody that sees this = )
This is a hard tag to do.
I mean, you have to write down and calculate what you do everyday, every moment every minute?! Hahah... better start recording the time... haha
Haha... well, you don't specifically have to be so exact and record everything.
What I did was.... it just took about 30mins ~ an hour of my time to sit down and REALLY think HOW I spend my time. And it as it turns out.... nothing useful, haha.
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